The different chiropractic services and techniques offered at Vitalign Chiropractic
Experience The Vitalign Difference: Innovative wellness solutions, personalized care, and holistic approaches for optimal health and vitality Evidence Based Rehabilitation, Low Level Laser Therapy, Powerplate Whole Body Vibration
Chiropractic Care
With 18 years of experience, we are highly trained in the art of modifying care to the individual. We are expert in all spinal and peripheral joint techniques.
Corrective Exercises
We have a purpose build rehabilitation area which includes; Cervical Traction, Powerplate Whole Body Vibration, Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Rehab, Roman Chair 45 degree back extension, Weights, Bands, BOSU balls. We prescribe rehab with all of our personalised care plans.
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As a chiropractor who cares about utilizing the most advanced chiropractic techniques, Dr Matthew Schmerl has years of training, expertise and experience in helping patients get pain relief for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other related conditions originating from the spine.
What does nutrition have to do with chiropractic care? The goal of chiropractic care is to help patients achieve total health and balance with their body, and as part of that goal we provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices. Nutritional counseling by our experienced chiropractic health professionals can assist a patient on their return to optimal health. Do you know which supplements and vitamins are good for you? Do you know how these supplements and vitamins interact with one another? At our South Brisbane chiropractic clinic, we can provide each patient with a structured nutritional program that is based on their individual needs.
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